Friday, September 19, 2008

Avery Lorien

We were so excited this week to welcome into our lives our first daughter Avery Lorien Goodman. Laura did really great; she waited 3 hours for our doctor to finish delivering a woman's 3rd child (thankfully she was in no pain, and that probably allowed Avery to keep moving down and made for less pushing time). Laura actually pushed for about an hour, and then little Avery came out at 7 lbs, 2 oz, and 20 inches long.

Laura loved the name Avery, it means wise or counselor. I have loved the name Lorien ever since reading Tolkien's stories of a beautiful place tucked away from the rest of the world, and I've always just really thought the name was beautiful. It flowed really well with Avery, so we attached that as the middle name.

Here is a video of Avery at the hospital:

And then here are some pictures of little Avery right after her delivery.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Fun...


If anybody would like to get a quick laugh, I made this video last week for our Youth Group. Nothing like a green screen and random web footage:

Hope you enjoy:

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Laura's Belly Pics

Here are some pictures of Laura as she is in her ninth month of pregnancy. Not long now!

Friday, September 5, 2008

What craziness...

Okay, very soon I hope to be showing baby pictures and things like that. For all concerned, we are scheduled to get a picture of "pregnant Laura" next Monday, so hopefully she'll make it until then (we aren't due until the 25th). For a little while, this will be my last non baby post :).

I have been absorbed for some time in my last language for a while (Thank God!!). Biblical Greek has its quirks, but I am finding Biblical Hebrew is just as crazy.

Hebrew was originally, and still written today in Israel with no vowels. NO VOWELS! How crazy is that? Luckily for me, the Masoretes in about the 6th century wrote some vowels to help folks learn Hebrew, they are written above, underneath, or to the left of the consonants (Hebrew is read from right to left).

Once again I am humbled at the thought that God has maintained his word through means that seem so immensely complicated to me. It's rare that I look down at the Old Testament and think of it as a string of Semitic letters that originally had no vowels, and got taken through all kinds of transmission and translation before it made it to me. It would have been so easy for someone to give up at some point and not do the hard work to make Scripture accessible to people, but thankfully they didn't.

Through my own failings in language I see the dedication that it took to get God's message of love to me. In all my frustration with the tediousness of it, I hope to be happy about the fact that people came before us and did the work for us, and people today are still sifting through countless documents comparing and justifying what is there for our sake.